Erasmus + Project: Developing sustainable education strategies for social inclusion, wellbeing and discrimination prevention

We sent kolekTIRV staff on 7 courses during 2022 and 2023 in order to achieve the following objectives;

i) gain innovative skills in the area of education on inclusive leadership and creation of inclusive learning and working environments;

ii) increase our educational provision in the area of collaboration, working with diversity and the creation of cohesive active citizenship organisations focused on long-term goals;

iii) learn new skills and best practices in the area of psycho-emotional wellbeing and burnout prevention to create well being focused educational programmes;

iv) strengthen our international networking and find new paths for our organisational development on the European level, in the area of inclusive adult education for civic engagement.

This project was funded by Erasmus + and was KA1 Adult education staff mobility in partnership with Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu.

Our staff took part in;

2 - 11 April 2022 - Psycho-social education for LGBT community; focused on educational strategies to support well-being and empowerment education for those involved in building civil society and those experiencing marginalisation based on gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics and sexual orientation.

21 - 30 April 2022 Strengthening European Civil Society Strategy; focusing on educational strategies for building coalitions and strengthening social dialogue.

21-28 May 2022 Empowering Collaboration; focused on how to deliver education on conflict transformation, building inclusive learning and working environments.

27 August - 3 September 2022 Training of trainers for trans, intersex and gender variant community; focused on the empowerment of trans, intersex and gender variant educators and innovative learning tools for responsive educational strategies.

25 March - 1 April 2023 Diversity and intersectionality; focused on educational tools for working with diversity and embracing an intersectional approach to civil engagement and democracy.

13-20 May 2023 Leadership, education and civil organising; focused on education, on leadership and empowerment of those coming from marginalised backgrounds, and supporting community organising.

20 - 27 May 2023 Transformative Collaboration; focused on building collaborations, creating inclusive learning environments with people from disadvantaged communities and tools to support diverse learning styles.


This project enabled us to train 10 members of staff during 2022 and 2023.

The participants were chosen using the following criteria;

- ability to transfer knowledge and multiply project results;
- position in the organisation (we want to strengthen people who are already experienced but have limited opportunities for development in Croatia, as well as to give a chance for development to new educators);
- social positioning (we will prioritise people from groups at risk of exclusion and without access to professional development opportunities due to social factors);
- professional development needs and whether they are in line with the project objectives.

Dissemination and Implementation

Everyone who participated in a training delivered follow-up activities to support dissemination and integration of what they learned.

Follow-up activities included; workshops, skillshares, development of new curriculum, and organisational education strategy development.

Project financed under the Erasmus+ Adults Education Programme - KA122.

Erasmus + Project: Developing sustainable education strategies for social inclusion, wellbeing and discrimination prevention
